

坐标25°2′1″N 121°33′52″E / 25.03361°N 121.56444°E / 25.03361; 121.56444
世界最高建筑 2004年-2009年
地點 臺灣台北市信義區
坐标25°2′1″N 121°33′52″E / 25.03361°N 121.56444°E / 25.03361; 121.56444
通用拼音Tái-běi yi-líng-yi
台語羅馬字Tâi-pak it-khòng-it
日語假名タイペイいちまるいち(Taipei Ichimaruichi)
英语Taipei 101
繁体字 臺北國際金融中心
简化字 台北国际金融中心

台北101(英語:TAIPEI 101,曾用名:臺北國際金融中心[1]是一棟位於台灣台北市摩天大樓,由台北金融大樓公司經營。自2004年12月31日(跨年日)開幕以來,被CTBUH正式列為世界最高建築物,不過在2010年初被高達828公尺的哈里發塔打破紀錄。當台北101完工啟用後,不僅是世界上第一座高度超過半公里(約0.3英里)的摩天大樓,到2024年為止是台灣最高的建築物,也是全世界第11高的建築物[11][12]

台北101設有61部電梯,其中2部觀景台電梯從5樓到89樓僅需37秒,以每分鐘1,010公尺(約60.6公里每小時(37.7英里每小時))的速度成為當時全世界最快速的電梯[11][a]。2011年,台北101獲得美国绿色建筑委员会於既有建築之營運與維護(LEED EBOM)項目的評比上取得V3白金級認證,創下摩天大樓的綠建築紀錄[13]。另外作為台北地標的台北101經常出現在國際媒體上,到跨年晚會施放煙火的時候也是跨年特別節目「臺北最High新年城」的主要亮點。




In 1997, led by developer Harace Lin, the Taipei Financial Center Corporation, a team led by several Taiwan banks and insurance companies, won the rights to lease the site for 70 years and develop a building, placing the winning bid of NT$20,688,890,000 for the Build Operate Transfer agreement with the city government.[14]


Looking up a still-incomplete Taipei 101
Taipei 101 near the end of construction during 2003, showing the concrete tower at the top still incomplete. The height of the building was still 449.2 meters at the time.

Planning for Taipei 101 began in July 1997[2] during Chen Shui-bian's term as Taipei mayor. Talks between merchants and city government officials initially centered on a proposal for a 66-story tower to serve as an anchor for new development in Taipei's 101 business district. Planners were considering taking the new structure to a more ambitious height only after an expat suggested it, along with many of the other features used in the design of the building. It was not until the summer of 2000 that the city granted a license for the construction of a 101-story tower on the site. In the meantime, construction proceeded and the first tower column was erected in the summer of 2001.[2][15]

A major earthquake struck Taiwan on 31 March 2002, sending a construction crane falling from the 56th floor to Xinyi Road. The crane crushed several vehicles and caused five deaths - two crane operators and three workers who were not properly harnessed. However, an inspection showed no structural damage to the building, and construction work was able to restart within a week.[16]

Taipei 101's roof was completed three years later on 1 July 2003. In 2004, work on Taipei 101 was completed by Samsung C&T, South Korean construction company.[17] Ma Ying-jeou, in his first term as Taipei mayor, fastened a golden bolt to signify the achievement.[8] The formal opening of the tower took place on New Year's Eve 2004. President Chen Shui-bian, Taipei Mayor Ma Ying-jeou and Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng cut the ribbon. Open-air concerts featured a number of popular performers, including singers A-Mei and Stefanie Sun. Visitors rode the elevators to the Observatory for the first time. A few hours later the first fireworks show at Taipei 101 heralded the arrival of a new year.[18][19][20] It replaced the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur as the world's tallest building.[21]


The Taipei Financial Center Corporation (TFCC) announced plans on 2 November 2009 to make Taipei 101 "the world's tallest green building" by summer of 2011 as measured by LEED standards. The structure was already designed to be energy-efficient, with double-pane windows blocking external heat by 50% and recycled water meeting 20–30% of the building's needs. LEED certification would entail inspections and upgrades in wiring, water and lighting equipment at a cost of NT$60 million (US$1.8 million). Estimates showed the savings resulting from the modifications paid for the cost of making them within three years.[13] The project was carried out under the guidance of an international team composed of Siemens Building Technologies, architect and interior designer Steven Leach Group and the LEED advisory firm EcoTech International.[22] The company applied for a platinum-degree certification with LEED in early 2011.[23] On 28 July 2011, Taipei 101 received LEED platinum certification under "Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance". Although the project cost NT$60 million (US$2.08 million), it is expected to save 14.4 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, or an 18% energy-saving, equivalent to NT$36 million (US$1.2 million) in energy costs each year.[13] In 2019, it was named among the 50 most influential skyscrapers in the world by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat.[24]

On 4 January 2020, the building had a condolence message in lights for the victims of a helicopter crash, which included a number of senior government officials.[25] On 8 February 2020, it was reported that that some passengers of the Diamond Princess cruise liner, quarantined for an outbreak of COVID-19, had visited Taipei 101 on 31 January at which point none exhibited symptoms.[26] On 1 April 2020, the shopping center said it was reducing business hours due to the coronavirus pandemic.[27] It had started checking shopper's temperatures in February.[27][28] On 21 May the building said it would resume normal business hours in June, as the country had effectively limited the spread of COVID-19.[29]




  • 2004年12月25日,有「法國蜘蛛人」之稱的阿蘭·羅貝爾在管理單位特別允准下成功完成攀爬台北101的挑戰,過程總計費時4小時[30]
  • 2005年2月28日,美國前總統比爾·柯林頓來訪台北101並在其自傳上簽名。[31]
  • 2005年4月19日,為了紀念阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦發表相對論一百周年,台北101在其外牆點亮「E=mc2」字樣,而這次的展示是47個國家舉辦的65,000場此類展覽中規模最大的一次,也是2005世界物理年國際慶祝活動的一部分[32]
  • 2005年11月20日,台北101舉辦首屆登高賽,賽事範圍從1樓大廳到91樓共2046階樓梯,而這項活動不僅把其收益捐獻給中華台北奧運代表隊,還會一年一度地舉行[33]
  • 2007年12月11日,奧地利極限運動選手菲利克斯·保加拿在未獲台北101管理單位核准的情形下,趁保全人員不注意之際翻越91樓露天觀景台的護欄,自101大樓上定點跳傘成功,刷新先前由自己創下、全世界最高大樓定點跳傘的記錄。[34][35]
  • 2014年12月6日,日本偶像團體HKT48為了要推廣她們的世界巡迴演唱會台灣站而在91樓戶外觀景台舉辦小型演唱會[36][37]









Various sources, including the building's owners, give the height of Taipei 101 as 508米(1,667英尺), roof height and top floor height as 448米(1,470英尺) and 438米(1,437英尺). This lower figure is derived by measuring from the top of a 1.2米(3英尺11英寸) platform at the base.[1][8] CTBUH standards, though, include the height of the platform in calculating the overall height, as it represents part of the man-made structure and is above the level of the surrounding pavement.[57][58][59][60] Taipei 101 displaced the Petronas Towers as the tallest building in the world by 57.3米(188英尺).[58][61] The record it claimed for greatest height from ground to pinnacle was surpassed by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which is 829.8米(2,722英尺) in height. Taipei 101's records for roof height and highest occupied floor briefly passed to the Shanghai World Financial Center in 2008, which in turn yielded these records as well to the Burj.[57][58]

Taipei 101 was the world's tallest building, at 508.2米(1,667英尺) as measured to its architectural top (spire), exceeding that of the Petronas Towers, which were previously the tallest skyscraper at 451.9米(1,483英尺). The height to the top of the roof, at 449.2米(1,474英尺), and highest occupied floor, at 439.2米(1,441英尺), surpassed the previous records of the Willis Tower: 442米(1,450英尺) and 412.4米(1,353英尺), respectively.[8][57][59][58][60] It also surpassed the 85-story, 347.5米(1,140英尺) Tuntex Sky Tower in Kaohsiung as the tallest building in Taiwan and the 51-story, 244.15米(801英尺) Shin Kong Life Tower as the tallest building in Taipei.[62][63]

Taipei 101 comprises 101 floors above ground, as well as five basement levels. The first building to break the half-kilometer mark in height,[8] it was the world's tallest building from 31 March 2004 to 10 March 2010 (six years)[64][65] until it was surpassed by the Burj Khalifa in 2010. For 12 years it also had the fastest elevator, at 61公里每小時(38英里每小時). It also has the largest wind damper in the world, at 18 feet across.[66] As of 2023, Taipei 101 is the eleventh-tallest building in the world, according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat's official rankings.[12]


Location of Taipei 101's largest tuned mass damper

Taipei 101 is designed to withstand typhoon winds and earthquake tremors that are common in the area in the east of Taiwan. Evergreen Consulting Engineering, the structural engineer, designed Taipei 101 to withstand gale winds of 60米每秒(197英尺每秒), (216 km/h或134 mph), as well as the strongest earthquakes in a 2,500-year cycle.[67]

Taipei 101 was designed to be flexible as well as structurally resistant, because while flexibility prevents structural damage, resistance ensures comfort both for the occupants and for the protection of the glass, curtain walls, and other features. Most designs achieve the necessary strength by enlarging critical structural elements such as bracing. Because of the height of Taipei 101, combined with the surrounding area's geology—the building is located just 660英尺(200米) away from a major fault line[68] Outrigger trusses, located at eight-floor intervals, connect the columns in the building's core to those on the exterior.[16]

These features, combined with the solidity of its foundation, made Taipei 101 one of the most stable buildings ever constructed.[69] The foundation is reinforced by 380 piles driven 80米(262英尺) into the ground, extending as far as 30米(98英尺) into the bedrock. Each pile is 1.5米(4英尺11英寸) in diameter and can bear a load of 1,000—1,320公噸(1,100—1,460短噸).[70]

Motioneering designed a 660-公噸(728-短噸)[71][72][73] steel pendulum that serves as a tuned mass damper, at a cost of NT$132 million (US$4 million).[74] Suspended from the 92nd to the 88th floor, the pendulum sways to offset movements in the building caused by strong gusts. The tuned mass damper is visible to all visitors on the 88th through 92nd floors. It can reduce up to 40% of the tower's movements.[75] Its ball, the largest damper ball in the world, consists of 41 circular steel plates of varying diameters, each 125 mm(4.92英寸) thick, welded together to form a 5.5-米-diameter(18-英尺) ball. Two additional tuned mass dampers, each weighing 6公噸(7短噸), are installed at the tip of the spire which help prevent damage to the structure due to strong wind loads.[74][76] On 8 August 2015, strong winds from Typhoon Soudelor swayed the main damper by 1米(39英寸)—the largest movement ever recorded by the damper.[77][78]

The damper has become such a popular tourist attraction that the city contracted Sanrio to create a mascot: the Damper Baby. Four versions of the Damper Baby ("Rich Gold", "Cool Black", "Smart Silver" and "Lucky Red") were designed and made into figurines and souvenirs sold in various Taipei 101 gift shops. Damper Baby has become a popular local icon, with its own comic book and website.[79][80][81]


Taipei 101 during a typhoon
View from the base of the tower, looking up
ruyi figure over one of the building's entrances
Shadow of the tower in the late afternoon; the adjoining park (circular feature, bottom) acts as the face of a sundial.
Feng shui fountain outside Taipei 101

Taipei 101's characteristic blue-green glass curtain walls are double paned and glazed, offer heat and UV protection sufficient to block external heat by 50%, and can sustain impacts of 7公噸(8短噸).[67] The facade system of glass and aluminum panels installed into an inclined movement-resisting lattice contributes to overall lateral rigidity by tying back to the mega-columns with one-story high trusses at every eighth floor. This facade system is, therefore, able to withstand up to 95 mm(4英寸) of seismic lateral displacements without damage.[82] The facade system is also known as a Damper.

The original corners of the facade were tested at RWDI in Ontario, Canada. A simulation of a 100-year storm at RWDI revealed a vortex that formed during a 3-second 105-英里每小時(169-公里每小時) wind at a height of 10 meters, or equivalent to the lateral tower sway rate causing large crosswind oscillations. A double chamfered step design was found to dramatically reduce this crosswind oscillation, resulting in the final design's "double stairstep" corner facade.[83] Architect C.Y. Lee also used extensive facade elements to represent the symbolic identity he pursued. These facade elements included the green tinted glass for the indigenous slender bamboo look, eight upper outwards inclined tiers of pagoda each with eight floors, a ruyi and a money box symbol between the two facade sections among others.[84]

Taipei 101's own roof and facade recycled water system meets 20 to 30% of the building's water needs. In July 2011, Taipei 101 was certified "the world's tallest green building" under LEED standards.[85]


The height of 101 floors commemorates the renewal of time: the new century that arrived as the tower was built (100+1) and all the new years that follow (1 January = 1-01). It symbolizes lofty ideals by going one better on 100, a traditional number of perfection. The number also evokes the binary numeral system used in digital technology.[86]

The main tower features a series of eight segments of eight floors each. In Chinese-speaking cultures the number eight is associated with abundance, prosperity and good fortune.[87][88]

The repeated segments simultaneously recall the rhythms of an Asian pagoda (a tower linking earth and sky, also evoked in the Petronas Towers), a stalk of bamboo (an icon of learning and growth), and a stack of ancient Chinese ingots or money boxes (a symbol of abundance). Popular humor sometimes likens the building's shape to a stack of take-out boxes as used in Western-style Chinese food; of course, the stackable shape of such boxes is likewise derived from that of ancient money boxes.[89] The four discs mounted on each face of the building where the pedestal meets the tower represent coins. The emblem placed over entrances shows three gold coins of ancient Chinese design with central holes shaped to imply the Arabic numerals 1-0-1.[86] The structure incorporates many shapes of squares and circles to symbolize yin and yang.[86]

Curled ruyi figures appear throughout the structure as a design motif. Though the shape of each ruyi at Taipei 101 is traditional, its rendering in industrial metal is plainly modern. The ruyi is a talisman of ancient origin associated in art with heavenly clouds. It connotes healing, protection and fulfillment. It appears in celebrations of the attainment of new career heights.[90][91] The sweeping curved roof of the adjoining mall culminates in a colossal ruyi that shades pedestrians.[91] Each ruyi ornament on the exterior of the Taipei 101 tower stands at least 8米(26英尺) tall.[92]

At night the bright yellow gleam from its pinnacle casts Taipei 101 in the role of a candle or torch upholding the ideals of liberty and welcome. From 6 to 10 p.m.,[93] the tower's lights display one of seven colors, according to a weekly schedule.[94]

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Color red orange yellow green blue indigo violet

From 26 February to 6 March 2022, the typical colors were replaced by blue and yellow in solidarity with Ukraine, in response to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[95]

The adjoining Taipei 101 on the east side connects the landmark further with the symbolism of time. The design of the circular park doubles as the face of a giant sundial. The tower itself casts the shadow to mark afternoon hours for the building's occupants. The park's design is echoed in a clock that stands at its entrance. The clock runs on wind power drawn from the building's wind shear.[96]

Taipei 101, like many of its neighboring buildings, exemplifies the influence of feng shui philosophy. An example appears in the form of a large granite fountain at the intersection of Songlian Road and Xinyi Road near the tower's east entrance.[97] A ball at the fountain's top spins toward the tower. As a work of public art the fountain offers a contrast to the tower in texture even as its design echoes the tower's rhythms. The fountain also serves a practical function in feng shui philosophy. A T intersection near the entrance of a building represents a potential drain of positive energy, or ch'i, from the structure and its occupants.[98][99] Placing flowing water at such spots is thought to help redirect the flow of ch'i.[100][101]


Taipei 101 Mall

Two restaurants have opened on the 85th floor: Diamond Tony's, which offers European-style seafood and steak, and Shin Yeh 101 (欣葉), which offers Taiwanese Hokkien cuisine. Occupying all of the 86th floor is Taiwanese restaurant Ding Xian 101.[102] Din Tai Fung, several international dining establishments and retail outlets also operate in the adjoining mall. The multistory retail mall adjoining the tower is home to hundreds of fashionable stores, restaurants, clubs and other attractions. The mall's interior is modern in design even as it makes use of traditional elements. The curled ruyi symbol is a recurring motif inside the mall. Many features of the interior also observe feng shui traditions.[101]


A tenant directory is posted in the first floor's lobby (visible from the Xinyi entrance). The number 4 is considered an unlucky number in Chinese culture, so instead the 44th floor is renamed the 43rd, and the actual 43rd floor becomes 42A.[103] As of 1 January 2011, the highest occupied office floor (excluding the observatory and restaurants) was 75. The building appears to be at least 70% occupied at this point. The 92nd through 100th floors are officially designated as communication floors, although it is unknown if there are any radio or TV stations currently broadcasting from the top of Taipei 101. The 101st floor indoor/outdoor rooftop observatory opened to the public on 14 June 2019.[104] The top 92-100 floors are labeled as communications floors.[105]

Taipei 101, first from right, compared with other tallest buildings


The double-deck elevators built by the Japanese Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corporation (TELC) set a new record in 2004 with the fastest ascending speeds in the world. At 60.6公里(37.7英里) per hour, 16.83米(55.22英尺) per second, or 1,010 m/min,[106] the speed of Taipei 101's elevators is 34.7% faster than the previous record holders of the Yokohama Landmark Tower elevator, Yokohama, Japan, which reaches speeds of 12.5米(41英尺) per second (45 km/h, 28 mph). Taipei 101's elevators transport visitors from the fifth floor to the 89th-floor observatory in 37 seconds.[a] Each elevator features an aerodynamic body, full pressurization, state-of-the art emergency braking systems, and the world's first triple-stage anti-overshooting system. The cost for each elevator is NT$80 million (US$2.4 million).[107][108] In 2016, the title for the fastest elevator was taken away by the Shanghai Tower in Shanghai.[109] Shortly after, the title for the world's fastest elevator was passed on yet again to the Guangzhou CTF Finance Centre.[110]


Many works of art appear in and around Taipei 101. These include: German artist Rebecca Horn's Dialog between Yin and Yang in 2002 (steel, iron), American artist Robert Indiana's 1-0 in 2002 and Love in 2003 (aluminum), French artist Ariel Moscovici's Between Earth and Sky in 2002 (rose de la claret granite), Taiwanese artist Chung Pu's Global Circle In 2002 (black granite, white marble), British artist Jill Watson's City Composition in 2002 (Bronze), and Taiwanese artist Kang Mu Hsiang's Infinite Life in 2013 (aluminum).[14] Moreover, the Indoor Observatory hosts a regular series of exhibitions. The artists represented have included Wu Ching (gold sculpture), Ping-huang Chang (traditional painting) and Po-lin Chi (aerial photography).[32]


樓層 用途
101 室外觀景台(天際線460)
100 機房及通訊設備
92 調質阻尼器
91 戶外觀景台
90 機房層
89 室內觀景台(城市環景360) / KafeD / 台北101紀念品商店
88 室內觀景台(下樓出口)/ Simple Kaffa Sola
87 機房層
86 餐廳 饗A Joy
85 隨意鳥地方、捌伍添第
84 高樓段辦公區
83 摩根士丹利
82 機房層
81 Alliance Bernstein
80 CARDIF Assurance Vie, Taiwan Branch
78 CARDIF Assurances Risques Divers, Taiwan Branch
77 CIMB Securities Limited
76 CIMB Securities Limited, RBS Securities (Room C-D)
74 Mechanical
73 Google
72 BNP Paribas
71 BNP Paribas
70 ING Wholesale Bank
66 Mechanical
62 Chien Yeh Law Offices
61 Boston Consulting Group (Unit F), Air China, KPMG, Natixis
60 Skylobby
59 Skylobby
58 Mid Zone Office Mechanical
57 The Executive Centre / Amicorp
55 Legg Mason (Suite E), Bayer
54 Bayer / HSBC Securities (Taiwan) Corporation Limited
53 Bayer
52 HRnetOne
51 Winterthur Life (Taiwan Branch)
50 Mechanical
49 S&P Global
48 Bank of America
47 McKinsey & Company
46 Development Dimensions International, Canonical
45 Perkins Coie (Suite F), Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (Unit D)
43 Bank of America
42 Mechanical
39 French Office in Taipei
38 Volvo
37 The Executive Centre, Crimson Education, VF Corporation
36 Skylobby

Taipei 101 Conference Center[2]

Sui Business Lounge

35 Skylobby/ Rookie Shumai 35 VEGEtable (Restaurant)
34 Low Office Zone Mechanical
33 German Institute Taipei
30 Nomura (Asset Management)
29 Bank of Communications (Taipei Branch)
28 DBS Bank
27 Korn Ferry (Room D-1), Morningstar
26 Mechanical
24 Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe C-1,
23 L'Oreal
22 L'Oreal
21 PPD, Inc. Unit A,
20 Jones Lang LaSalle
18 Mechanical
15 ANZ
14 ANZ
13 Coupang
12 Taiwan Stock Exchange
11 Taiwan Stock Exchange
10 Taiwan Stock Exchange
9 Taiwan Stock Exchange
8 Mechanical
6 Gymnasium
5 台北101購物中心 台北101觀景台售票處與出入口
2 塔樓大廳
B1 捷運台北101/世貿站4號出口
B2 停車場


On the 91F outdoor observatory at 391.8米(1,285英尺)
On the 89F indoor observatory
Artwork outside the mall at night

Taipei 101 features an indoor observation deck on the 88th and 89th floors, and two outdoor observation decks (91st floor and 101st floor), all offering 360-degree views and attract visitors from around the world. The Indoor Observatory stands 383.4米(1,258英尺) above ground, offering a comfortable environment, large windows with UV protection, recorded voice tours in eight languages, and informative displays and special exhibits. Here, one may view the skyscraper's main damper, which is the world's largest and heaviest visible damper, and buy food, drinks and gift items. Two more flights of stairs take visitors up to the Outdoor Observatory. The Outdoor Observatories, at 391.8米(1,285英尺) and 449.2米(1,474英尺) above ground,[8][111] is the second-highest observation deck ever provided in a skyscraper and the highest such platform in Taiwan.[62][112]

The Indoor Observatory is open thirteen hours a day (9:00 am–10:00 pm) throughout the week as well as on special occasions; the Outdoor Observatory is open during the same hours as weather permits. Tickets may be purchased on site in the shopping mall (5th floor) or in advance through the Observatory's website[113] and allow access to the 88th through 91st floors via high-speed elevator.[114]

In 2019, its 101 top floor opened for the first time to the public,[115] starting 14 June with only 36 people given access each day.[116] The 91st-floor observatory used to be the highest floor that open to the public until 14 June 2019 when it was announced by the building's management team that the 101st floor (at 460 meters above sea level) will be opened to the general public, with a quota of 36 people per day and is subject to prior booking.[115] Going onto the outdoor viewing platform requires safety equipment, such as a safety belt buckled to the railing.[117]


Taipei 101 New Year 17 fireworks.

On its opening date, Taipei 101 was awarded the Emporis Skyscraper Award, coming in 1st place.[118] Taipei 101 was awarded the top award platinum rating, by the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), the globally recognized green building ranking system of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), making the skyscraper the tallest energy conservation building in the world.[119] In 2017, Taipei 101 was awarded the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Award (AREA).[120] Taipei 101 was awarded the CTBUH Skyscraper Award on the Performance award category.[121]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 每分鐘1,010公尺的電梯速度使這一點成為現實
  2. ^ 在2013年度至2016年度由法國Group F公司製作[43]
  3. ^ 2021年度因疫情僅斥資新台幣2500萬元打造煙火秀,並在該屆不導入T-PAD共演[55]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 CTBUH摩天大樓數據庫上的Sinsyuan/英維GA翻譯工作室/台北101. Retrieved 25 March 2015.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Corporate Sustainability Report 2013. Taipei: Taipei World Financial Center. 2014. 
  3. ^ Taipei 101, Taipei. SkyscraperPage.com. [2023-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-05) (英语). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 TAIPEI 101 – The Skyscraper Center. skyscrapercenter.com. [2015-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2015-03-16) (英语). 
  5. ^ 2001-10: Wins the contract for Taipei 101 (101 levels, 508 meters), then the world's tallest building. History - Company - Samsung C&T. (原始内容存档于2022-09-28) (英语). 
  6. ^ Building Taipei 101. 2013-01-18 [2020-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-14) (英语). 
  7. ^ Samsung C&T. Lakhta Center. [2020-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-30) (英语). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Emporis building ID 100765. Emporis. (原始内容存档于6 September 2015). . Retrieved 25 March 2015.
  9. ^ SkyscraperPage数据库中Sinsyuan/英維GA翻譯工作室/台北101的数据. Retrieved 25 March 2015.
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Petronas Towers
World's tallest building

Burj Khalifa
Willis Tower
442米(1,450英尺) & 412.4米(1,353英尺)
World's highest roof & highest occupied floor
449.2米(1,474英尺) & 439.2米(1,441英尺)

Shanghai World Financial Center
492米(1,614英尺) & 474米(1,555英尺)
Yokohama Landmark Tower
12.5 m/s(41 ft/s) (45 km/h, 28 mph)
World's fastest elevator
16.83 m/s(55.22 ft/s) (60.6 km/h, 37.7 mph)

Shanghai Tower
20.5 m/s(67.26 ft/s) (73.8 km/h, 45.9 mph)
Tuntex Sky Tower
Tallest building in Taiwan

Bank of America Tower
World's tallest & highest-use green building
(LEED platinum rating)

Environmental Protection Agency building
(Florida, U.S.)
World's largest green building
(LEED platinum rating)

World's largest & heaviest wind damper
diameter 5.5米(18英尺) & 660公噸(728短噸)

World's tallest building of earthquake hotspot
(platinum rating)
